Back Yard, Stoneville Perth, Sat 16th November 2019

Singer, songstress, troubadour, entertainer, actress, rock goddess, Australian Rock Royalty, lighting flash in the sky and all round good sport and warm hearted human Parlour Gigs are you chance to meet Sarah McLeod up and personal folks.
Yes in your own backyard abet every circumstance can be different but this one was to a backdrop of midnight flights, 40 degree day, road trips out whop-whop, a distressed chicken, rock band breakups, broken hearts inspiring 2am blues tune inspirations. And Sarah had just arrived!!
Setting up, tuning up and ready to rock Sarah with slick precision launched into acoustic soul inspiring tunes. With her amazing voice as an instrument Sarah’s personality on show soon had a back beat conga drummer on board her rock n roll train. Later joined by a heavy funk bass and crowd sing-alongs this is about musical inclusivity which is where Sarah’s soul lies.
Playing favourites (“Bad Valentine”, “Private School Girl”), taking requests (“Second Sun”), Red Hot covers (“Be My Baby”, The Roanettes, “Slipping Away “Max Meritt & the Metors) it’s a mind blowing situation where your brain will be thinking it’s on something more that the good musical vibes.
So real it’s surreal Parlour Gigs may some corny but if your the corn beef in the sandwich then it’s an experience you’ll never forget. So book today and have a party the Australian way. In your own backyard under the big wide skies.
And then Sarah was off …. to Bunbury …. The Road Keeps A Rockin’…..