Canning Highway, Perth, Sun 01 March 2020

The Spirit of Bonn Scott was invoked as a crazed bunch of AC/DC musicians hit the Highway To Hell “Valley Stage” outside one of Bon’s Auld Freo satellite haunts, the Leopold Hotel.
With bigger balls then Bon and Brian out together these gals showed the have the musicianship skills and stage craft to do Bon, Angus and the rest of the AC/DC crew, past and present, proud.
With lead voice Kathryn, who is a native Scot herself, fresh off the plane from a South American Samba Sojourn she showed this spot is well and truly Hers. No rust what so even as the switch was flicked and the power surge through Kathryn and the band.
Krissy and Selina (guitar) were frantic but flawless as ever as the buzzed around the stage. Jade glued it together on bass laying it down and around while Lauren put in a powerhouse performance on drums.
With a shorted set list due to event scheduling delays Ballbreaker ripped and burned the Canning Highway.
Kicking off with ‘Livewire’ it was a setlist of Bon classic’s that included ‘She’s Got Balls’, ‘Jailbreak, ‘TNT’, ‘Dirty Deeds’ and ‘Highway to Hell’.
Despite risking the possible wrath of event overrun penalties the crowd demanded these Rock N Roll Outlaws return to the stage. Ballbreaker responded in kind doing an outstanding job of ‘Whole Lotta Rosie’.
It was a Whole Lotta Fun and a great way to round off a Happy Ausland Day.