Back in Black 40th Anniversary - The Caballeros / Ballbreaker / Hells Bells
Rosemount Hotel, Perth, Sat 29 August 2020
The next installment of the never-ending celebrations of the 40th Anniversary of the stupendous “Back in Black” opus brought together three magnificent talents at the Rosemount on this crisp evening.
With a queue of AC/DC’s faithful waiting for the doors to open this already had the makings of a much anticipated evening.
Perth’s best dressed band, and therefore the most hated, those crazy Caballeros boys were up first.
Front man Dr Jake was in excellent form, giving the stage barriers an early MC5 aggression blow-out early in the set.
The fencing was not enough protection for the audience though as the Doctor got in amongst them and the bar. All the venue is indeed a Stage for the Doctor.
This set also featured a new guitarist and he fitted in well.
To my ears the set was centered around their outstanding album “Ladies and Gentleman” with maybe a few new songs thrown in.
Dr Jake is just a Lovesick Casanova at heart so near the set end he invited the Ballbreaker herself, Kat, lead singer of the next act, for some onstage jamming. It was a beautiful affair.
A well-received high energy start as the musical aficionado’s started filling up the COVID-19 style sold-out venue.

One of Perth’s premier, if not Australia’s, AC/DC cover bands took to the stage by storm.
It was a blitzkrieg set, fast and furious with plenty of foot tapping and hand clapping.
Ballbreakers twin guitar attack played serious homage to The Caballeros by kitting out in the Caballeros uniform of black tie and white shirt. It was this kind of up market affair, with a cerebral banquet to be server up.
In fact the 40ish minute set went so fast I can only recall ‘TNT’, ‘Jailbreak’ and ‘Can Is Sit Next to You?’ from amongst the classics that Ballbreaker cooked to perfection.
You would have never have guessed but the day after guitarist Krissy revealed she was not at 100%.
Lord Almighty have Mercy on Us when she is at 100%. Those duel guitarists, and the rest of the band Shoot to Thrill, Play to Kill and take no prisoners.

Following up such a ferocious onslaught would have had lesser men quaking in their Blundstones but Hells Bells are not that kind.
They are not another of the premier AC/DC cover bands for nothing.
Stepping up and stepping over they run amok and delivered a master class in a master stoke.
With a new front man they went end to end, from ‘Hell Bells’ to ‘Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution’, sounding more Bonish than Brianish to these ears.
Encoring with a special guest appearance from Kat on ‘Let There Be Rock’ and (I think) ‘Whole Lotta Rosie’ (or was that Ballbreaker’s set?) it the purveyors of sweet, sweet noise rounded out another fine evening of Rock n Roll.