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News and Views from Coogee Beach HQ

In the words of Rod Stewart "Don't Panic Lads, Don'tPanic .... this is word in progress so stay tuned

March 15 - Simon Chainsaw slays them on Argentinian tour.

Teischa At Nannup 15

Catch up with with all the Simon Chainsaw mayhem on Facebook.

March 15 - Find Out What Ted McKenna (ex- Rory Gallagher / MSG) is up to in Band of Friends

12 Mar 15 - Second Perth Announced for The Superjesus / Baby Animals "She Rocks" tour

PIX By Sarah Dwyer @Sub-Station,

Newport, Melbourne

20 Mar TONY JOE WHITE EXCLUSIVE  .......................PIX from             MELBOURNE GIG

The Legendary Freo Venue “Fly-By-Night” is on The Move and requires Support

02rd April 15: - Fly-By-Night Reaches Target !! @ $10,891

24th Mar 15 - All Girl Perth Rock Sensation Legs Electric  Give Ausland181 (pre-review)  Thumbs Up At Astor !!

26th March 15 - All Girl Perth Rock Sensation Legs Electric  and Fans Give Ausland181 Astor Review Thumbs Up :) :) :)

07 April 15 It's a Slow Day at the Office so Ausland181 Walks Bon Scott tribute Trail for Matt Fielder - Visit Pix Album

08 April 15 Ausland181 Receive FIRST Press Pass !!

WooHoo !!  =====>

11 Apr 15 Ausland181 runs into Fairbridge Festival Funk Rock Sensation Katie J White and Guitar God Daniel Hearn checking out Harry Jakamara in Dinning Hall

Prior to posing for epic shot Jeff says "I dont come out in photo's" ....this is result !!


23 Apr 15 Jeff Martins Spooky Photo Premination Comes True

25 Apr - To celebrate release of the new Ausland181 Business Cards we are Giving Away One Baby Animals / The Superjesus Tix for Sat 23 May for The Charles Hotel, North Perth!!

10 May - AC/DC Lane (Melbourne) "as it should look" and Ausland181 is in the Middle .......gets snapped in the crowd at Cherry Rocks

To win contact Ausland181 via Contact page and say why you should get tix – closing date Wed 20th May – make sure you send contact details.

16 May Ausland181 are added to The Heartache State's press page

03 Jun 15 New Urban Cowboy Band Release

Recording the latest Urban Cowboy Band release "Power Play" is causing emotions to run high in the studio.

Front man Rod "Grilla" Grljusich comments the accompanying video is "impacting to pro-patriotic Mid-West Southern US market. Coopers is using the vid as a weapon of mass destruction on (opposing brand) Millers”.

Sneak preview of vid rough revels dramatic front line action from USA incursion into Afghanistan.

15 Jun 15 Aussie Rock Legends Share the Ausland181 Love

SarahMcLeod and The Superjesus publicity team share Ausland181 Tivoli Review - We Are Stoked in The Cabin !!

Ausland181 art is now Sarah McLeod's profile pic .... feeling so honoured .... is this a Rock 'n' Roll knighthood?

If you don't believe me check out The Superjesus Tivoli photo set

17 Jun 15 Aussie Rock Legend Sarah "Stage Diving" McLeod Keeps On Sharing the Ausland181 Love


21 Jun 15 Urban Cowboy Band's next Studio Release Continues to Tale Shape

Urban Cowboy Band front man Rodney “Grilla” Grljusich enlists Empire Blues on the “Power Play” project as it takes more shape than a Tennessee whiskey bar.

Recording genius Allan Dawson was in control of the mixing desk as fellow Empire Blues stalwart Andrew McIlory laid down some raw, blues guitar tracks this afternoon.

Previous drum tracks by UCB member Andrew Shaw had frantic adrenalin fuel hi hat play’s driving the layered guitar sound being orchestrated by the team in Witzend Recording studio’s today. As the six-string Andrew got looser Rod got higher at the prospect of redoing some vocals to match and adding  impact to the accompanying video release.

Stayed tuned to Ausland181 for further process on the Urban Cowboy Band forth coming “Power Play” release.

Stayed tuned to Ausland181 for further process on the Urban Cowboy Band forth coming “Power Play” release.

26 Jun 15 Tony Dowlers Hellhounds Release 'Live' Rory Gallagher classic on WWW

Tony Dowlers Hellhounds interpretataion of 'TATTOO LADY' rocks The BigTop @ Ballyshannon festival

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