End of Season – Part 3
Ashes of Autumn
The Scene, 24 Oct 2021

Ashes of Autumn smashed it up at the Scene’s end of season party. Vivacious singer Mel gave it her all in a viciously emotive performance flexing those almighty lungs with a hurricane force intensity. This unit was cooking, driven on by a new drummer, guitars flying in a dangerously low rock formation, sparking musical fires in a hard rock indie heaven.
Ashes steamed in with set opener “Supernova”, a hard hotting rocker. From then on the pace does not slacken on iota with singer Mel giving it all.
Being personally touched herself, it was a poignant moment was when Mel dedicated “Refuse to Break” to those thinking suicide and letting them know there is another way. This was one of many instances where this five power unit fused into molten tripping sound machine.
After an immensely strong eleven song set the filled Scene Shed would not let them go. On they came and out came a surprise, with the Bass Man with the Plan taking on vocals for ELO’s “Don’t Bring Me Down”.
An audience favourite judging from the echo sing along resounding in the Shed.
A classic set of hard rocking indi goodness brought to you by those behind The Scene.
Kudos Gentlemen for sound, lights and stage.