Black Magic Love - Part 3
Art of Dysfunction
Stirling Arms Hotel, Guildford, 30 Jul 2022

Art of Dysfunction are young up and commer’s who are creating circles in the Perth Live Music Pool. They are held in esteem by certain cliques and this is demonstrated by the quality of bands they are able to get as support.
Playing a primeval beat, with the onus on evil, this twin guitar four piece lure you in and get inside your skin.
Kyle’s rasping vocals drag you around by the scruff of your neck and drop you at the feet of Ashley and Michael to rip and tear, breaking your back and leaving blood red like the jacket on Micheal’s back. And just in case you survive that onslaught Royce is always on hand to beat you into a mash.
As demonstrated by the full house there are plenty of music devotee’s around who love this experience and their sound. Support travelling from far afield from such well-known landmarks of Mandurah, Katanning and Coogee Beach.
Launching a new single into the internet hypersphere “Black Magic Love” was placed last on their eleven song set. The Rest of the Best preceding, such number as “Devil Woman”, “Bedford Blues” and “Left Handed Cigarettes” to mention a few.
Check out the Photo Sets for the whole goss.
The roaring crowd would not let them go, bringing them back for a exploding cover of “Baby Please Don’t Go” and their take of “Sharp Dressed Man”.
An explosive night that blew Art of Dysfunction away and they reciprocated in kind.
With the best-looking parental groupies around they snag you hook, line and sinker. What can go wrong? After all it makes for a fantastic blues based song.
Art of Dysfunction are on the prowl so catch them around and howl at the moon.
Art of Dysfunction are:
Michael Menna - Lead Guitar
Kyle Haydock - Bass and Vocals
Ashley Gallop - Rhythm guitar
Royce Mack - Drums